The following Executive Board positions:

  • attend all PTA Board Meetings
  • subscribe to, believe in and support the mission and purposes and policies of National PTA and Texas PTA
  • agree to join the association promptly, if not a current member at the time of election or appointment
  • receive no compensation from the association except reimbursement for reasonable expenses as set forth in PTA policies and procedures

General Duties of Executive Board Members

  1. All officers and chairs shall become familiar with the predecessors’ procedure notebooks and applicable National and Texas PTA handbook/guidelines so as to understand the responsibilities of their individual positions and the methods by which the board operates.
  2. Each officer and chair shall maintain a procedure book detailing the responsibilities and activities and give said notebook to the successor at the completion of the fiscal year.
  3. All PTA sponsored events, programs, and functions should have approvals and finalized plans reported to the President two (2) weeks prior to the beginning of the event.
  4. All donation requests should be approved by the Executive board prior to soliciting a company/business and shall be copied on all correspondence.
  5. Each officer will create flyers and signage for activities, projects and events they oversee.
  6. All PTA purchased property shall be returned to the President or PTA closet by the last day of the school year (i.e. signs, equipment, supplies, keys, documents, incentives, etc.)

B. Insurance 

     This PTA shall carry the following insurance:

     1.  General Liability;

     2.  Extended Medical Payments;

     3.  Professional Liability (Directors and Officers Liability);

     4.  Fidelity Bond (Crime);

     5.  Inland Marine (Business Personal Property)


President shall:

  1. Communicate regularly with the school principal or designated representative;
  2. Coordinate with incoming president a “turn-over” meeting to transfer notebook(s) and information pertinent to the functioning of the unit;
  3. Be an administrator on the school page for the district volunteer system (i.e., VOLY);
  4. Create and submit regularly scheduled newsletters;
  5. Use available technology to promote activities, projects, events;
  6. Have copies of all keys to PTA related rooms and items (i.e., PTA closet, OLC garden and irrigation system, treasurer’s lock box)

First Vice President (Sunshine) shall:

  1. Be responsible for recognizing teacher birthdays, celebrations and momentous occasions; and
  2. Assist with coordination any Principal’s/Counselor’s/Secretary’s/Librarian’s/Nurse’s Day celebrations;
  3. Assist the President with requested duties as needed.

Second Vice President (Programs) shall:

  1. Assist with school programs such as Multicultural Night program, Field Day, Career Day, Dad’s Club;
  2. Work with art teacher to encourage participation in the Arts in Education program;
  3. Be a liaison for Senior Breakfast; 

Third Vice President (Membership) shall:

  1. Promote an active and continuing membership;
  2. Coordinate membership drives and incentives;
  3. Keep track of members by entering them into the online directory;
  4. Choose a Lifetime Membership Award recipient with approval of the Executive Board; and
  5. Report all memberships to the Texas PTA by requested deadlines.

Fourth Vice President (Ways and Means) shall:

  1. Work with committee to raise funds for our school, its children and families;
  2. Investigate and coordinate a fall fundraiser and get proper approvals from Principal and President;
  3. Coordinate the school carnival;
  4. Plan monthly Spirit Nights at local restaurants; and
  5. Coordinate the Holiday Shop(s) (i.e. Winter/Holiday and Valentines).
  6. Promote and manage grocery store and retail reward programs (i.e., Tom Thumb, Kroger, etc.)

Fifth Vice President (Hospitality) shall:

  1. Provide back to school luncheon for teachers;
  2. Organize Staff Appreciation Week (SAW) and luncheon;
  3. Provide refreshments for Membership meetings;
  4. Organize any dessert days per the PTA calendar;
  5. Provide snacks at staff meetings where the PTA is presenting a report;
  6. Work to keep teachers’ lounge and equipment/appliances clean, maintained and well stocked; and
  7. Organize hospitality for all PTA sponsored events as needed.

Secretary shall:

  1. Purchase needed office supplies for the PTA closet;
  2. Keep accurate reports of attendance;
  3. Notify any Executive Board members absent from the board meetings of any information they should be aware of within one (1) week;
  4. Assist Membership Chair with filling out membership cards and attaching online directory instructions; and
  5. Submit all Membership and Executive Board meeting minutes to the Treasurer by end of fiscal year for Reconciliation Committee meeting.

Treasurer shall:

  1. Keeps record of grade level party money;
  2. Have access to the PTA membership platform;
  3. Proof the IRS 990 form prepared by the outgoing treasurer and submit it within 60 days of fiscal year end;
  4. Prepare a draft of the IRS form 990 for the tax year ending June 30;
  5. Prepare the Texas Sales tax form and submit it in accordance with the law;
  6. Present a budget-v-actual report at each Executive Board meeting;
  7. Keep on permanent file the Local PTA’s Employer Identification Number (EIN) assigned by the IRS and the sales-tax permit assigned by the Texas Comptroller’s office; 

Parliamentarian shall:

  1. Assist with Bylaw and Standing Rules updates, revisions and filing with the state;
  2. Provide sign-in sheet for each Executive Board meeting and turn in to Secretary to file with minutes;
  3. Have on hand at every meeting a copy of the Local PTA Bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised; and
  4. Immediately after the Nominating Committee elections, meet with the newly elected committee to review their responsibilities, deadlines, parliamentary and reporting procedures.

Standing Committees and their Duties

Standing Committees are established by the President and Officers to carry on the work of the organization.  Committees may be added or deleted at the discretion of the Executive Board.  The chair of each committee is recommended by the President and approved by the officers.  Committee chairs shall be selected after the Officer elections have taken place at the April Membership Meeting and will be installed on the new Executive Board at the May Membership Meeting.  Committee members may be appointed by the President or in coordination with the committee.



Big Brother/Big Sister (1st/5th grade) shall:

  1. Coordinate activities between grades each nine-weeks; and
  2. Coordinate snack at each event.

Citizenship/Legislation shall:

  1. Stimulate interest in the rights, duties and privileges of good citizenship; and
  2. Update the weekly wardrobe board;
  3. Collect needed items for the teachers’ treasure chests;
  4. Collect children’s books and keep the Little Library stocked as needed;
  5. Assist counselor with special events (i.e. Red Ribbon Week, Kindness Week).

Council Delegate shall:

  1. Attend Richardson ISD Council of PTAs’ meetings;
  2. Report back to Dartmouth PTA Executive Board meetings; and
  3. Organize and collect books for the Richardson ISD Council of PTAs’ Used Book Fair.
  4. Maintain and sort the Lost and Found and wash/donate items to district partner - Network for Community Ministries 

Environmental Services shall:

  1. Encourage recycling and coordinate environmental activities;
  2. Be responsible for determining the need for aesthetic and environmental improvements of the building and surrounding area;
  3. Coordinate repairs and cleanup efforts for the Outdoor Learning Center (OLC) and Orchard;
  4. Help maintain and promote further growth of the OLC, Orchard and Hydroponic Garden;
  5. Promote the “every kid outdoors” National Park pass program to all fourth grade;
  6. Serve on the school OLC committee; and
  7. Promote the Texas PTA and Richardson ISD Council of PTAs’ environmental issues.


School Supplies & Spirit Wear shall:

  1. Be responsible for school supply pack orders;
  2. Work with the school to accommodate grade level supply pack needs;
  3. Negotiate vendor contract for school supplies; and
  4. Order planners and headphones; 
  5. Deliver all purchased supplies and spirit wear items

Special and Gifted Education (SAGE) shall:

  1. Act as a liaison between families and educators to share information and resources regarding Special and Gifted Education (SAGE);
  2. Promote national day/month SAGE related topics;
  3. Promote SAGE programs to help families in the community; and
  4. Advocate for the students that are considered special, different, delayed, gifted, or twice-exceptional (special and gifted).

Volunteer Coordinator/Room Parent Rep shall:

  1. Encourage and coordinate volunteers at school and PTA sponsored events as needed;
  2. Identify areas needed for volunteers;
  3. Compile lists of individuals expressing interests in volunteer areas;
  4. Collect volunteer hours and report them to the Richardson ISD Council of PTAs;
  5. Coordinate Room Parents for each classroom;
  6. Coordinate Room Parent meeting to discuss rules and responsibilities;
  7. Act as an administrator on the district volunteer system (i.e. VOLY);
  8. Determine Volunteer of the Month award; and
  9. Assign awards for volunteers at end of year (i.e. golden apple award, golden pin award, Presidential award).

Teacher Representative shall:

  1. Serve as a communication link between faculty, staff and PTA;
  2. Work with VP Membership to encourage faculty to join PTA; and
  3. Solicit staff input.

Principal shall:

  1. Work with the PTA President to advise the PTA board on school needs, wants and concerns; and
  2. Serve as a communication link between faculty, staff and PTA.