Get Involved — Volunteer!
When adults volunteer, all students benefit! There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved! Your help is needed! Complete the Volunteer Interest form and we will be in touch with you.
Defining Volunteer Service Hours
- Band, Choir, Orchestra, Debate Trips, Athletic Games, Competitions (local & out of town)
- Field trips (Sky Ranch, Museums, Environmental Center, etc.)
- School sponsored activities
Clinic & Health Services
- All clinic assistance
- Hearing & Vision Screening
- Red Cross Training
- Red Ribbon Week Activities
- Any activity relating to recruitment, placement, recordkeeping, etc.
- Telephoning
- Emailing
- Workshops
Enrichment Programs
- Academic Decathlon
- Art/Craft Fairs
- Career Day
- College Night
- Destination Imagination
- Enrichment Clusters
- Enterprise City
- Invention Convention
- Lone Star Challenge
- Music Programs
- Science/Math/History Fairs
Instructional Areas
- Interpreting for non-English speaking students
- Materials Centers
- Reading Projects
- Tutoring
- Book Processing
- Shelving
- Storytelling
- Serving
- Supervision
PTA/Family/School Activities
- Anything you do that is relevant to your PTA Executive Board position that benefits the school
- After‐school programs
- Babysitting
- Class parties
- Clothes Closet
- District Committees
- Field Day
- Food preparation
- Fundraising
- Local School Council
- Making costumes, scenery, etc.
- School assemblies
- Sponsoring a club or activity
- Telephoning/Emailing
- Transportation to school sponsored events
- Typing
- Volunteer Training
School Office
- Answering Telephones
- Clerical Assistance
- Making Copies
- Receptionists
Student Hours
- Library, Office, Clinic
- Peer Mediation
- Peer Tutoring
- Student Supply Store
- Translating for non‐English speakers
Teacher Assistance
- Decorating classrooms/bulletin boards
- Making Copies
- Monitoring
- Preparing Materials
- Stuffing weekly student envelopes
- Local, Council, District, State, and National PTA Trainings
- PTA Conventions